Thursday 11 May 2017

Deer 'O Deer

Between Fire and Flowers,
Thrive Hunters with old Scars.
The Gold of my skin is carving it's way,
There I am, behind weak barks, hiding away.
The wild gives me shade,
and The dark is my aid;
Every morning I look up and gaze.
While the greens surround me,
The clouds sail through the Blue Sky,
Clouds fluffy and puffy!
Birds chirp around me, while the rest search for their prey.
In enlightenment I sigh,
Would I shine like a bright gold star?
Or would I be mounted on a wall?
A cool breeze passes by,
The velvet of my Antlers seem to defy.
And the Nature tells us tales,
Of Hide & Seek and Old women with big sharp nails.
Should this scare me or inspire me to go away?
And yet,
The Gold of my skin is carving it's way,
There I am, behind weak barks, hiding away.
The wild gives me shade,
and The dark is my aid;
I wish to listen to my heart beat,
And hope to Stay.

#NatureCalling #Deer #Poem #Fire #Art #Passion#Love #Tribal

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